Community Yoga Class on Saturday - $15
Group Yoga Class, Chair Yoga Class, Tai Chi - 4 or 8 Class membership $60/100, Drop In $20
We all have different schedules, pick your appropriate group class time.
Register for any weekday group yoga, chair yoga or tai chi session as a 4 week series, $60 with 2 month expiration date. An 8 week series, $100, 3 months expiration date. Make-up classes on any other scheduled class.
Self-guided small group practice by arrangement.
Corporate Wellness
Programs are arranged weekly or monthly for local businesses and organizations. Classes are appropriate for everyone regardless of experience or ability. Choice of mat (floor) or chair (seated & standing) yoga. This mind-body proposal supports your ideas for employee health, mental and physical wellness. Physical health concerns include aches from head to feet, including back pain. A careful approach of stretching, balance and strength adapt movements while using mindful breathing to relax our nervous system. A yoga program easily becomes larger than physical conditioning, with stress relief.
Classes have a beginning level focus appropriate for individual circumstances. They are easy going with participation at our own ability. Requirements are minimal, using only an open space for yoga mats or folding chairs, and no particular clothing requirement.
Employee engagement is as simple as a stretch, a chance to participate together, the effort includes humor, achievement and shared recognition without a competitive yardstick. Positive results quickly indicate fewer employee sick days, fewer health insurance claims, and staff more content and focused.
Please consider a seasonal yoga trial. The program brings yoga classes to your location at an optimal time when employees are available. Decide on a manageable frequency. Bimonthly? Classes are flexible both in what we decide to do and in their prospective length. The goal is to encourage attendance and include late arrivals. We have several teachers available to offer a mix. I would love to discuss this further at your convenience.
Request classes and wellness programs by emailing
Gift Certificates are mailed
For class schedule and signup, please inhale here:
or picked up at the studio.
Give a Gift Certificate Today, Donate, exhale here:
Sponsor our veterans
Out of body awareness
Savasana, aka Corpse Pose,
We let mind and body go, slip beyond boundaries, and find stillness.
““Not enough time to work as little as possible”.”
Private yoga class appointments available in Charlottesville and Amherst, at our studio, at home and business locations, retreats and other events. Private classes are available for injury rehab and recovery, illness support, personal training, spa events, bachelorette events, organization retreats, family gatherings, and wellness seminars. Reserve classes by emailing
We have therapeutic assistance with rehabilitation for knees, hips, thoracic surgeries, and post traumatic stress relief and other anxiety. Pulmonary function strengthening with individualized breathing exercises, and rehab for geriatric weakness. Individual yoga offers support for stroke and TBI recovery, as well as a variety of auto immune complications.
Consideration is given to individual circumstances, including personal home activity plans. We weigh social distance and mask awareness with recent pandemic advisories.
For Studio Individual (Private) Classes
$50 per individual person/couple
$10 per 3rd+ person
For On Location (Private) Classes
$80 per individual person or couple
$10 per additional person
Drum Classes
4 weeks @ $80.00. Single Drum class drop in fee is $25.00.
Holistic Seminars/Workshops, Retreats and private large groups- Cost varies by event.
All studio fees are payable online from our website (Zelle), and at the studio, checks and cash accepted.