CHARLOTTESVILLE & Amherst Meditation

Spend 30 minutes in meditation class.


Saturdays at the studio- A free meditation sit at 12:00 noon, for half an hour.

There are a variety of techniques to meditation. From Quiet Sitting, to Breath Awareness, 5 Sense Awareness, Guided Mindfulness, to Walking Meditation; we practice different approaches. A quiet and uncluttered space and an effective and time-efficient way to quiet the mind. It is a mindful sit, on either floor blankets and chairs. 

Our studio offers a place to meditate with weekly sessions. A 30 minute sit, with meditation and tea, are a donation based mini experience, to be with others letting go of cellphones and social posts every 2 seconds, to share listening inward. Meditation is also part of each group yoga class. Interested in meditation classes?

Articles about meditation classes are popping up everywhere:

Scientific research and interest in yoga has reintroduced meditation, more than 4,000 years old, into popular culture. Meditation or “mindfulness” resonates strongly as a response to our modern way of life. The physical and emotional benefits of meditation — lowered levels of anxiety, an improved immune system, better sleep and a drop in blood pressure, are used with medical treatments.

Its numerous health benefits have people practicing a secular approach to meditation, gaining recognition for supporting brain health and stress relief. Many people can relate on a personal level, to a chance to relax and look inward.

Meditation classes help us slow down. This is an era of constant connection, our phones have us hyper-connected! Besides many ways to make your body healthy, meditation is an excellent way to make your mind function better and find meaning in your life.

“Meditation brings me serenity and helps me deal with the things out of my control.”            

“People are finding themselves sitting together. A banker sits next to a farmer, next to a working single mom. People feel better after coming to the studio even one time, coming more often adds appreciation of life happening.”

“Nowadays professional athletes and constant-level achievers are using meditation to enhance performance. Meditation is part of a wellness trend.” 

A sense of community — and freedom from distraction — draws people together to the studio for an activity that can also be practiced alone. “Many people don’t have enough physical space to set up an area to meditate, and they’re going to have personal distractions or their to-do list. Having a dedicated space where you can go to meditate really brings the practice to life.” 

Doctors have recommended meditation for patients who have illnesses like heart disease and high blood pressure, or are just plain worn out. “For those stressed-out finance dudes, they are not stumbling across meditation because they want something more spiritual, they are coming because of the health benefits,”

“It’s nice for people to come to a quiet surrounding they are familiar with and meditate.”

“We are blending modern culture with conscious living, we are creating a space where people can connect about things that exist internally, not just about where they work and what they’re wearing.”



We offer a meditation lodging- one or two days of Vipassana meditation practices. During the retreat there is time to rest and enjoy the surroundings before you return home. You will receive individual guidance to share this unique teaching that has been life-changing for a lot of yogis and meditators.

Vipassana means to see clearly or beyond, to see the true nature of things as they really are. The practice is based on training the mind to be aware of the present moment at all times, allowing people to overcome everyday difficulties.

The Vipassana meditation technique is a practical technique, enabling you to practice outside of class and incorporate mindfulness into your daily life.

The practice consists of walking and sitting meditation. There are important benefits of the practice such as overcoming many personal, mental, and physical difficulties like relationships, work-related stress, letting go of attachments.

Constant practice develops insights, allowing confidence, energy and effort, mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom to arise in order to help you and others overcome difficulties, enabling everyone to have more compassion.

Vipassana meditation helps us in finding peace and happiness. Generally, everyone has perceptions of ourselves and the world around us. Perception is often distorted by different patterns of the mind like greed, anger, doubt, fear, and delusion. Mostly, we are not able to see these hindrances very clearly.

When you practice mindfulness, you are witnessing the arising of these hindrances. Instead of trying to avoid them or push them out of your mind, you acknowledge them by making a mental note and then letting them go by bringing your attention back to the meditation practice. This is how you begin to find peace and allow insights to arise, showing you that all these experiences are transient (impermanent).

John Kortmulder2 Comments